Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ivy's gonna be a talker!

She says so many words...I know it is hard to believe, and I am not just being an over enthusiastic first time mom making this up!! She really says a lot of words, I wanted to list them here!!
Her first word, said Easter Weekend was 'book' cute is that!
She also says:
'buh'...means bird, she even puts her fingers to her mouth and tries to sign it!!
'num-nums'... of course means food!!
'glub glub glub'... said really fast and always three times is the sound a fish makes!
'ch ch' ... said really fast and twice, is what a train sounds like!
'meahhh'... while she sticks her tongue out is Meow! We think she sticks her tongue out to mimic the me--'YOWWWW' sound!
'hiiiii'... while waving means, well it means Hi! sometimes she says it 'haaaayyyyy'
'mamamamama'...obvious what that means right!? But sometimes it also means dad too!
'yayayayaya'....means dadda!
'di-annnanna' her cousin Diana!
'YaaaaaYYY'....means Yay!! now she claps every time we say YAY!
'kitee' kitty!
'maaamaaa'....for some reason is ball!

There are more each day, but these are the main ones! I wish I could get a video of each one because, of course, it is the cutest thing in the entire whole world!
Well...that is all for now, still haven't explored the blog thing enough to know how to upload pics, or you know, do anything else but day I promise!
I love you Jonathan!

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