Monday, July 21, 2008

Good times!

I obviously need to get better or more serious about blogging! I am so slow!
Ivy is almost one, and we can't believe it. I still remember the day she was born like it was yesterday! I guess that day never fades from your memory! But at the time, it just seemed like she would never be one, never even seemed like she would be a month old, or three months old, or six etc...!

So we have spent the last two weeks looking at daycares for Ivy. It is so hard, and emotional, and just seems like no place is ever going to be good enough! No-one can take care of her like her mommy, or daddy! BUT...I found a place today that I really loved. A really nice daycare, lots of high standards it seems. So I think that will be the one. It was clean, with a lot of natural light, a really cool playground, great staff, Ivy seemed to really enjoy it, but it is still scary, as much as I liked it, or Ivy liked it! It is going to be so hard to actually leave her on the first day...

So...we did end up going hiking last weekend, while daddy rested. It was a lot of fun, just Ivy and I! We ate blueberries under a huge pine tree, next to a river! Watched fish at the local fishery, and even got to pet a very wet smelly dog that was swimming in the Columbia River! Ivy loved him!
She is starting to sign more and more. It is so exciting to see her learn this! I have been signing to her since she was born! She started with 'eat' a few weeks ago, and now she does 'train' and is kind of learning to do 'more.' But as that sign is very similar to clapping, she usually ends up just clapping! That works too!

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