Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ivy's first birthday...

I am starting to get nervous about Ivy's first birthday. I don't feel like I am putting enough thought into it. This is huge, or so everyone makes it out to be huge. Is it bad that I kind of feel like....what is the big deal? Am I a terrible mother?
I know it is a big milestone, but it is nothing for Ivy! Just another day! We are going to a park, so all it is for her is a really fun day at the park, you know? I think it has to do with that we are so far from family and friends to share it with us. We are having friends come, friends Ivy absolutely loves,(and we do too!) but it is going to be very small, and well, just like a BBQ, not a first birthday! Or at least not a first birthday that I think a lot of other parents plan for their babies.
I guess the main thing is make sure Ivy has fun and understands that it is a special day! Ivy will have fun at a park, outside all day, and with mom and dad, and her friends, she will love it! So I guess that is the best first birthday you can have right?!
Oh and we are getting her a goldfish for her birthday!! haha, how cool is that!? It was daddy's idea, she is going to absolutely love her fishy...'glub, glub, glub,' is what she will say every time she sees it!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Whitney you are a GREAT mom. Ivy's birthday sounded perfect. I wish we could've seen her face when she saw her candles! :)